Politica de confidențialitate
Ultima actualizare la 09-iul-2023
Data intrării în vigoare 07-iul-2023

Această politică de confidențialitate descrie politicile NEMES MARGIT ÎNTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALĂ, Str. Tanórok, nr. 5, Praid, Harghita 537240, România, email: contact@saltholidaypensiune.ro, telefon: 0740543804 cu privire la colectarea, utilizarea și dezvăluirea informațiilor pe care le colectăm atunci când utilizați site-ul nostru web ( https://saltholidaypensiune.ro/ ). („Serviciul”). Prin accesarea sau utilizarea Serviciului, sunteți de acord cu colectarea, utilizarea și dezvăluirea informațiilor dvs. în conformitate cu această Politică de confidențialitate. Dacă nu sunteți de acord cu acestea, vă rugăm să nu accesați sau să utilizați Serviciul.
Putem modifica această Politică de confidențialitate în orice moment fără a vă anunța în prealabil și vom publica Politica de confidențialitate revizuită pe Serviciu. Politica revizuită va intra în vigoare în termen de 180 de zile de la data la care Politica revizuită este postată în Serviciu, iar accesul sau utilizarea continuă a Serviciului după această dată va constitui acceptarea de către dvs. a Politicii de confidențialitate revizuite. Prin urmare, vă recomandăm să revizuiți periodic această pagină.

Cum împărtășim informațiile dumneavoastră:
Nu vom transfera informațiile dvs. personale către nicio terță parte fără a vă solicita consimțământul, cu excepția unor circumstanțe limitate, așa cum este descris mai jos:

Solicităm acestor terțe părți să utilizeze informațiile personale pe care le transferăm către acestea numai în scopul pentru care au fost transferate și să nu le păstreze mai mult decât este necesar pentru îndeplinirea scopului respectiv.
De asemenea, este posibil să dezvăluim datele dvs. personale

Privacy Policy
Last Updated On 09-Jul-2023
Effective Date 07-Jul-2023

This Privacy Policy describes the policies of NEMES MARGIT ÎNTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALĂ, Str. Tanórok, nr. 5, Praid, Harghita 537240, Romania, email: contact@saltholidaypensiune.ro, phone: 0740543804 on the collection, use and disclosure of your information that we collect when you use our website ( https://saltholidaypensiune.ro/ ). (the “Service”). By accessing or using the Service, you are consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the same, please do not access or use the Service.
We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time without any prior notice to you and will post the revised Privacy Policy on the Service. The revised Policy will be effective 180 days from when the revised Policy is posted in the Service and your continued access or use of the Service after such time will constitute your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy. We therefore recommend that you periodically review this page.

How We Share Your Information:
We will not transfer your personal information to any third party without seeking your consent, except in limited circumstances as described below:

We require such third party’s to use the personal information we transfer to them only for the purpose for which it was transferred and not to retain it for longer than is required for fulfilling the said purpose.
We may also disclose your personal information for the following: (1) to comply with applicable law, regulation, court order or other legal process; (2) to enforce your agreements with us, including this Privacy Policy; or (3) to respond to claims that your use of the Service violates any third-party rights. If the Service or our company is merged or acquired with another company, your information will be one of the assets that is transferred to the new owner.

Your Rights:
Depending on the law that applies, you may have a right to access and rectify or erase your personal data or receive a copy of your personal data, restrict or object to the active processing of your data, ask us to share (port) your personal information to another entity, withdraw any consent you provided to us to process your data, a right to lodge a complaint with a statutory authority and such other rights as may be relevant under applicable laws. To exercise these rights, you can write to us at gzbotii@gmail.com. We will respond to your request in accordance with applicable law.
Do note that if you do not allow us to collect or process the required personal information or withdraw the consent to process the same for the required purposes, you may not be able to access or use the services for which your information was sought.

Cookies Etc.
To learn more about how we use these and your choices in relation to these tracking technologies, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

The security of your information is important to us and we will use reasonable security measures to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorized alteration of your information under our control. However, given the inherent risks, we cannot guarantee absolute security and consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

Grievance / Data Protection Officer:
If you have any queries or concerns about the processing of your information that is available with us, you may email our Grievance Officer at NEMES MARGIT ÎNTREPRINDERE INDIVIDUALĂ, Str. Tanórok, nr. 5, Praid, email: gzbotii@gmail.com. We will address your concerns in accordance with applicable law.

Privacy Policy generated with CookieYes.


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